18 research outputs found

    Kendali Motor DC Brushless Modifikasi Mengunakan IC Ne555 Dan CD4017

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    In general, the Brushless DC motor speed controller uses an Atmega 16 microcontroller and a MOSFET, which often increases the MOSFET's temperature, especially when the motor is loaded. This article discusses the use of the IC NE555 and CD4017 as a frequency regulator to the MOSFET gate by periodically igniting the forward voltage from the change in the potentiometer value. We carried out the test in an unloaded and unloaded state with voltage variations of 2.5 Vac, 7.5 Vac, 12.5 Vac, and 19.5 Vac. The test results show an excellent tool response where the higher the frequency value, the motor speed will increase. The maximum speed when unloaded reaches rpm at a frequency of 574.6. Whereas in the load test, the full speed reaches 20987 rpm at a frequency of 524.675 Hz. During the test, there was no temperature increase in the MOSFET. &nbsp

    Design and Build of 1000 V Joule Thief Inverter by Utilizing Pineapple as an Energy Source

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    The availability of fossil energy-based energy sources is currently depleting and cannot meet the increasing consumption. Therefore, the development of environmentally friendly alternative energy or known as green energy is increasingly being encouraged. One form of green energy that can be utilized, especially in the South Sumatra region, is pineapple. In this paper, the use of pineapple as a raw material for batteries is introduced. The material for making pineapple batteries will affect the amount of battery capacity produced. The pineapple battery capacity will then determine the amount of output voltage generated by the joule thief converter. Apart from the material, the voltage increase in the joule thief converter circuit is also influenced by the source voltage of the pineapple battery, the ferrite core step-up transformer, and the arrangement of the diodes and capacitors in the circuit. The pineapple battery capacity produced in this study is 1209 mAh, the maximum voltage is 4.63 V, the pineapple battery life is 1.0334 hours, and the charging process is 34 minutes. The resulting circuit in this study shows that the maximum output voltage of the joule thief converter is 1531 V, a current of 4.19 mA and the ability to increase the voltage to the source is 300 times


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    Abstrak: Merebaknya pandemi COVID-19 membuat pergeseran aktifitas masyarakat dari semula berkegiatan di luar rumah dan secara tatap muka menjadi kegiatan berbasis rumah dan dilakukan secara daring. Salah satu pergeseran aktifitas dimaksud adalah  kegiatan KBM di sekolah. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini agar para guru di SIT Mushab bin Umair memiliki kemampuan tambahan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar secara daring, yaitu mampu membuat video dengan menggunakan metode tangkap layar. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dimulai dari sosialisasi kegiatan, yang kedua pelaksaan pelatihan di sekolah dan secara daring, yang ketiga tahapan evaluasi kegiatan. Penggunaan media video pembelajaran merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menunjang KBM daring ini. Pada kegiatan ini, diperkenalkan cara membuat video pembelajaran metode tangkap layar, dimana guru dapat merekam penjelasan bahan ajar yang telah tersimpan di PC, Kehadiran guru di kelas dalam memberikan penjelasan dapat digantikan dalam bentuk video.  Dari sisi siswa video yang dibuat oleh gurunya sendiri akan lebih terasa nyaman ditonton, karena siswa telah mengenal sosok yang memberikan penjelasan di video, dibandingkan menonton video pembelajaran yang dibuat orang lain. Pelatihan pembuatan video pembelajaran ini dilaksanakan di SIT Mushab bin Umair. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan pelatihan ini para guru akan lebih siap menghadapi kegiatan KBM  daring selama masa pandemi COVID-19 maupun pasca pandemi.Kata Kunci: COVID 19; Metode Pembelajaran; Daring; KBM.Abstract: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted community activities from activities outside the home and face-to-face to home-based activities and carried out online. One of the shifts in activities referred to is the teaching and learning activities in schools. The purpose of this service is so that the teachers at SIT Mushab bin Umair have additional abilities in online teaching and learning activities, namely being able to make videos using the screen capture method. The method of implementing this activity starts from the socialization of the activities, the second is the implementation of training in schools and online, the third is the activity evaluation stage. The use of instructional video media is one of the efforts to support this online teaching and learning activities. In this activity, it was introduced how to make learning videos for the screen capture method, where the teacher could record explanations of teaching materials that had been stored on the PC. From the student's point of view, videos made by the teacher themselves will feel more comfortable watching, because students already know the figure who provides explanations on the video, compared to watching learning videos made by other people. The training for making learning videos was held at SIT Mushab bin Umair. It is hoped that with this training activity teachers will be better prepared to face online teaching and learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemi


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    Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SIT) Mush’ab bin Umair berada di bawah naungan Yayasan Hizab Rabbani yang terletak di bagian Ulu Kota Palembang. Sekolah ini selama masa pandemi Covid-19 melakukan pembelajaan jarak jauh (PJJ) menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp yang tentu saja sangat terbatas kemampuannya untuk digunakan sebagai suatu Learning Management System (LMS). Karenanya diperlukan suatu upaya untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi guru di SIT Mush’ab bin Umair dalam mengelola kegiatan PJJ ini secara lebih baik. Google Classroom (GC) dan Google Form sebagai salah satu LMS diperkenalkan kepada para guru SIT Mush’ab bin Umair dalam rangka persiapan menghadapi Tahun Ajaran Baru 2020/2021 yang masih akan berlangsung dalam masa pandemi. Pemilihan kedua aplikasi tersebut sebagai sarana pembelajaran online didasarkan pada kemudahan penggunaannya dan fitur-fitur yang sangat memadai untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran online. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dalam bentuk workshop sehingga memungkinkan para guru untuk dapat praktek secara langsung. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan lebih dari 60% guru peserta workshop telah menguasai dasar-dasar pembuatan Google Class dan Google Form. Penerapan peerteaching juga efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman peserta workshop terhadap materi yang diberikan


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    Semakin tingginya kebutuhan energi di perkantoran menyebabkan penggunaan energi yang bersumber dari PLN semakin besar juga, sehingga menyebabkan biaya pengeluaran listrik per bulan juga naik, selain itu jika kantor sedang dalam kondisi pemadaman listrik dari PLN maka keberlangsungan suplai daya listrik tetap terjaga agar pelayanan administrasi publik tetap bisa berjalan seperti biasanya. Berdasarkan situasi kantor Kelurahan Plaju Darat diatas maka tim pengabdian dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang melakukan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan tema pengabdian menyediakan suplai daya listrik berbasiskan energi baru terbarukan di kantor Kelurahan Plaju Darat Palembang. Metode yang dijalankan dalam pengabdian ini meliputi langkah-langkah sebagai berikut : 1) analisis situasi kelurahan, 2) merancang kebutuhan panel surya kantor kelurahan, 3) menginstalasi sistem panel surya, 4) pengujian sistem panel surya dengan beban alat elektronik, 5) evaluasi hasil pengabdian. Hasil yang di capai berupa tersedianya sistem  panel surya beserta peralatan pendukungnya guna menjamin keberlangsungan suplai daya listrik agar pelayanan administrasi publik tetap bisa berjalan saat kondisi listrik padam

    Variasi Nilai Tegangan Percik Arrester Akibat Pengaruh Kapasitas Trafo Daya dan Jarak Arrester

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    The ability of each substation to withstand lightning and overvoltage affects the power distribution of the power system. In order to make the best operation of the substations, it is necessary to install Arresters which are used to protect the transformers in each substation from overvoltage caused by lightning surges. In this study, the effect of capacity on the placement distance of the arrester is discussed with 30 MVA and 60 MVA transformers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the power transformer capacity of the four substations on the value of the arrester spark voltage and to obtain the optimal arrester installation technique at each substation using the Lagrange optimization method. Lagrange optimization method is used to determine the optimal distance between the arrester and the power transformer. The calculation results show that in a transformer with a capacity of 60 MVA, the Arrester spark voltage occurs at t = 20 microseconds with a voltage drop of 390.49 kV. Meanwhile, in a transformer with a capacity of 30 MVA, the Arrester spark time is at t = 13.9 microseconds with a voltage drop of 266.3 kV. This shows the capacity of the transformer that affects the magnitude of the Arrester's spark voltage and the spark time. Thus, the smaller the transformer capacity, the smaller the arrester spark time with the large voltage dro


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    From the results of the research that has been carried out a 220 watt DC to AC inverter circuit using AKI / battery has succeeded well according to the procedure. The working system of a DC inverter device is very useful for efficient use of electricity, especially in the application of medical devices at the Dompet Dhuafa (DD) Free Health Service (Palembang) in Palembang with a power of 220 watts. The working system of a 220 watt DC inverter circuit can convert DC voltage (direct voltage) to AC voltage (alternating voltage)

    Analisis Kedip Tegangan Akibat Gangguan Hubung Singkat pada Sistem Jaringan Distribusi 20 KV di Penyulang Kenari Gardu Induk Seduduk Putih

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    Intisari — Kestabilan ditunjukkan oleh lama terjadinya kedip tegangan, lamanya kedip tegangan menunjukkan tingkat kestabilan tegangan pada sistem tenaga listrik. Salah satu parameter yang menunjukkan kualitas sistem tenaga listrik adalah tegangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi besaran dan lokasi dimana arus gangguan hubung singkat terbesar dan menghitung besaran kedip tegangan di Penyulang Kenari. Kedip tegangan dihitung berdasarkan panjang penyulang yang mengalami gangguan, titik gangguan, impedansi sumber, reaktansi urutan transformator, impedansi urutan penyulang dan ekivalen jaringan, arus gangguan hubung singkat 1 fasa ke tanah, 2 fasa, 3 fasa, tegangan urutan setiap jenis gangguan. Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan arus gangguan hubung singkat terbesar untuk setiap jenis gangguan pada panjang total saluran 8,7 km dan 2,89 km berada di titik gangguan 20 % dari panjang total saluran, sedangkan kedip tegangan terbesar pada panjang total saluran 8,7 km untuk 1 fasa ke tanah dan 3 fasa berada di titik gangguan 100 %, 2 fasa berada di titik gangguan 80 %, dan pada panjang total saluran 2,89 untuk 1 fasa ke tanah berada di titik gangguan 80 %, 2 fasa dan 3 fasa di titik gangguan 100 %.Kata kunci — Kedip Tegangan, Gangguan Hubung Singkat, Penyulang Kenari

    Design and Implementation of LoRa-Based Forest Fire Monitoring System

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    One of the great disasters on earth is forest fires. Attempts to detect disaster events have been made with the help of monitoring technology. However, the problem is that the sensor is less responsive to detecting the presence of fire. Furthermore, sending information about fire incidents throughout the forest cannot use the existing communication platform. Therefore, we designed a forest fire monitoring system using LoRa. This technology is based on wireless which can transmit data across the forest. To detect the presence of fire, Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller that regulates input from the AMG8833 sensor and GPS Ubox 6M. The experiment shows that the AMG8833 sensor is more sensitive in detecting the presence of fire as the catch range changes between 3 to 10 meters. In that distance range, hotspots were detected 19.25 oC to 122.5 oC when testing the sensor node is done. The monitoring system developed in this study demonstrated that sensor nodes and gateways could communicate up to 500 meters apart with a signal quality of -134 dBm. The best LoRa configuration mode for this communication capability is a Bandwidth of 250, a Code Rate of 4/5, and a Spread Factor of 10.One of the great disasters on earth is forest fires. Attempts to detect disaster events have been made with the help of monitoring technology. However, the problem is that the sensor is less responsive to detecting the presence of fire. Furthermore, sending information about fire incidents throughout the forest cannot use the existing communication platform. Therefore, we designed a forest fire monitoring system using LoRa. This technology is based on wireless which can transmit data across the forest. To detect the presence of fire, Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller that regulates input from the AMG8833 sensor and GPS Ubox 6M. The experiment shows that the AMG8833 sensor is more sensitive in detecting the presence of fire as the catch range changes between 3 to 10 meters. In that distance range, hotspots were detected 19.25 oC to 122.5 oC when testing the sensor node is done. The monitoring system developed in this study demonstrated that sensor nodes and gateways could communicate up to 500 meters apart with a signal quality of -134 dBm. The best LoRa configuration mode for this communication capability is a Bandwidth of 250, a Code Rate of 4/5, and a Spread Factor of 10

    Vessel Tracking System Based LoRa SX1278

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    This research presents a vessel tracking system that provides real-time coordinate and speed information. The idea behind the development of this system originated from Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology, which functions as a vessel monitoring system in maritime areas. The system aims to improve navigation safety, monitor vessel traffic, and maritime security. In Indonesia, AIS is regulated by the Ministry of Transportation. However, this technology has not yet been implemented in river waters. In addition, AIS is a complex and expensive system. In this research, geographic location detection information in the form of a vessel tracking system is obtained using the UBlox Neo-6M GPS module based on LoRa technology. The LoRa mechanism periodically sends location data and vessel speed from the node to the gateway. The data is then sent to the ThingSpeak server using the MQTT protocol. On the server, the data can be accessed for further analysis. The developed system shows that the research can be realized and the system functions properly through a series of experimental tests. While in the in situ test, the system displayed good performance on LoRa SF 7 configuration with a signal strength of -118 dBm within the communication range of 1000 meters. This result can be improved by considering the MAPL value of -138 dBm